Abstract and applied analysisAcademic open Internet journalActa Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae NyíregyháziensisActa Mathematica Universitas Comenianae (AMUC)Advanced studies in theoretical physicsAdvances in difference equationsAdvances in theoretical and applied mechanicsALEA : Latin American journal of probability and mathematical statisticsAnalele Stiintifice Ale Universitatii Ovidius ConstantaAnnales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae MathematicaAnnales Mathematicae et InformaticaeApplicable analysis and discrete mathematics (AADM)Applied mathematical sciencesApplied mathematics e-notesApplied SciencesArchivum MathematicumAustralasian journal of logic Banach journal of mathematical analysisBehaviormetrikaBoletín Asociación Matemática VenezolanaBoundary value problemsBulletin of the American Mathematical SocietyBulletin of TICMIBulletin, Classe des Sciences Mathématiques et Naturelles, Sciences mathématiquesCommunications in mathematical analysisComputational and applied mathematicsContributions to discrete mathematicsDifferential Equations and Nonlinear MechanicsDifferential Geometry : Dynamical SystemsDiscrete dynamics in nature and societyDiscrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science (DMTCS)Divulgaciones MatematicasDocumenta MathematicaDynamics of partial differential equationsElectronic Communications in ProbabilityElectronic journal of boundary elementsElectronic Journal of CombinatoricsElectronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE)Electronic Journal of Linear AlgebraElectronic Journal of ProbabilityElectronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential EquationsElectronic journal of statisticsElectronic Journal of the Argentine Society for Informatics and Operations ResearchElectronic research announcements in mathematical sciencesElectronic Transactions on Numerical AnalysisEnsaios MatemáticosEntropyEurasia journal of mathematics, science and technology educationExperimental MathematicsFilomatFixed point theory and applicationsForum geometricorumFurman University Electronic Journal of Undergraduate MathematicsGeneral mathematicsHiroshima mathematical journalHomology, Homotopy and ApplicationsImage analysis and stereologyInternational journal for mathematics teaching and learningInternational journal of algebraInternational Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer ScienceInternational journal of applied mathematics and computer sciencesInternational journal of computational and mathematical sciencesInternational journal of contemporary mathematical sciencesInternational journal of mathematical analysisInternational journal of mathematical, physical and engineering sciencesInternational journal of mathematics and mathematical sciencesInternational journal of open problems in computer science and mathematicsInternational journal of quality, statistics, and reliabilityInternational mathematical forumJournal of applied mathematicsJournal of applied mathematics and decision sciencesJournal of applied mathematics and stochastic analysisJournal of control science and engineeringJournal of data scienceJournal of graph algorithms and applications (JGAA)Journal of inequalities and applicationsJournal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied MathematicsJournal of integer sequencesJournal of mathematics and statisticsJournal of Nonlinear Mathematical PhysicsJournal of statistical softwareJournal of statistics education (JSE)Journal of the Japan Statistical SocietyJournal on satisfiability, Boolean modeling and computationKyungpook mathematical journalLecture Notes of TICMILMS journal of computation and mathematicsLociMatematica contemporaneaMatematicki VesnikMathematical communicationsMathematical journal of Okayama UniversityMathematical Physics Electronic JournalMathematical Problems in EngineeringMathematical research lettersMemoirs of The Faculty of Science and Engineering Shimane University Series B: Mathematical ScienceMiskolc mathematical notesMissouri Journal of Mathematical SciencesModelling and simulation in engineeringNew York Journal of MathematicsNote di matematicaNotices of the American Mathematical SocietyNovi Sad Journal of MathematicsOpen applied mathematics journalOpen mathematics journalOpen operational research journalOperations research and management sciences today (OR/MS)Pesquisa OperacionalPhilosophy of Mathematics Education JournalPlus MagazineProbability surveysProceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences : mathematical sciencesProgress in physicsProyecciones Journal of MathematicsPublications de l'Institut MathématiquePure and applied mathematics quarterlyRendiconti del Seminario MatematicoRevista de la Unión Matemática ArgentinaREVSTAT : statistical journalSeminaire lotharingien de combinatoireSmarandache Notions JournalSORT : Statistics and operations research transactionsStatistica SinicaStatistics education research journal (SERJ)Statistics surveysSurveys in approximation theory (SAT)Surveys in mathematics and its applicationsSymmetry, integrability and geometry : methods and applicationsTaiwanese Journal of MathematicsTeaching statisticsTheory and Applications of CategoriesTurkish journal of mathematicsUniform distribution theoryUniversitatis Iagellonicae Acta MathematicaVisual MathematicsYugoslav journal of operations research